hpo Spotlight
High Performance through holistic organisation design
High performance organisations have a consistent strategic and organisational foundation that allows them to quickly adapt to new situations and initiate necessary course changes without sacrificing performance. This ability is of immense importance, especially in economically uncertain times.
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Fig 1: Holistic enterprise design of hpo
Strategic hpo enterprise design is a scientifically based but practice-oriented methodology for designing companies according to the principle: doing the right thing (strategic positioning) better (responsible organisation).
Fig. 2: Doing the right things better
With the strategic positioning, the company's purpose and value proposition are clearly defined. From this we derive the company's business process model. From the strategic positioning and the value proposition, hpo develops the structure of the products and services. This in turn results in efficient processes with clear value creation stages and end-to-end responsibilities as well as a correspondingly logical management structure.
The holistic hpo organisational design is individually tailored to the client's needs and the industry, is implementation-oriented and is continuously developed with insights from practical experience. The methodical approach guarantees that each step is logically derived from the previous one and forms an integral part of the overall organisation design:
- Strategy and business process design for better value creation.
- Business model and innovation design for innovation development.
- Culture design and development for employee empowerment and motivation.
Holistic enterprise design leads to greater flexibility and scalability, enabling the company to respond quickly. It exploits its full potential and has all the prerequisites of a 21st century high performance organisation.
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Who is hpo management consulting?
hpo stands for High Performance Organisations. As experts for strategy, business processes, organisation and transformation, we have been supporting nationally and globally active clients since 1995 in releasing performance potential and transforming strategies into measurable results. With our holistic and partnership-based enterprise desing approach, we reliably lead them to their goal: a consistently designed and sustainably effective High Performance Organisation - fit for the future and with a clear competitive advantage.
hpo - unlocking performance