Mobility and logistics
The demand for services in private and public transport continues to rise and affects both, freight and passenger transport. Providers are seeking to cope with ever greater volumes in an even shorter time and continue to expand capacities and services without compromising quality. We support them in improving their performance and keeping the increasing complexity and rising costs under control.
How we can help
- Sharpen strategic positioning
- Optimise customer journey, improve customer experience
- Simplify organisation and focus on customer needs
- Optimise logistics chain and infrastructure (including e-mobility)
- Improve agility and pace of innovation
- Increase cost efficiency and improve quality of services, operational excellence
- Establish end-to-end processes, simplify and accelerate digital transformation and automation
- Design networked transport systems, ensure hub function
- Transform successfully through joint development and implementation
- Service providers for private and public transport
- Railway companies
- Airports
- Transport and logistics companies
High-performance transport systems: hpo Whitepaper
The challenges of freight and passenger traffic can only be solved systemically. Public space, energy consumption for mobility and transport infrastructure are closely interrelated, but are today managed in technical-organisational silos. This applies equally to countries, regions or cities. The further increase in traffic volume, new transport modes in the field of micromobility and ambitious climate targets (keyword "net zero 2040-2050") require an integrated treatment of the issues. But how can an integrated approach to organisation, management and control be ensured? The hpo white paper outlines a possible approach on how the actors in the transportation system can jointly master the challenges.